High Schoolers Under Pressure

Students in high school often feel pressure to conform academically and socially. For students with LD and ADHD the pressure can be particularly stressful as they struggle to fit in with peers while trying to meet the demands of parents to do well in school.

To get a better understanding of what these young people are experiencing Smart Kids convened a panel of high schoolers to discuss their feelings and frustrations. Among their greatest concerns were:

  • Conforming to a mold they may not fit: “They, like others, agreed that the pressure to conform often stifled their sense of expression and creativity.”
  • The college admissions process: “By compelling them to take courses or participate in activities that look good on their resumes, students felt parents prevented them from exploring more inspiring courses and appropriate opportunities.”
  • Lack of support: “Instead of being helped, they believed they were being watched with an eye toward how well they were doing compared to others.”

While parents came in for their share of criticism, the teens recognized the important role parents play in shaping their character, keeping them on the straight and narrow, and accepting them for who they are.

For the whole story, plus what you can do to help your teen, read Performance Anxiety: High Schoolers Under Pressure.