High Alert: It’s A New School Year


A successful start to a new school year can set the tone for the rest of that year • Be vigilant about potential problems, and address them quickly • Invest extra effort early on to identify learning supports that will help them throughout the year

2.6.9-High-AlertFor students who learn differently, summer provides a respite from the social, emotional, behavioral, and learning issues that can make school challenging. But summer’s temporary lull can make returning to school even more difficult. Being vigilant can help prevent problems before they reach crisis proportions.

First Things First

Before the semester gets into full swing, sit down with your child to discuss last year’s happenings and this year’s anxieties, both in the classroom and beyond. That’s a great way to open the discussion as it will let your child know you’re tuned into their concerns, plus it will provide a natural starting point for a deeper conversation on how to ensure a productive school year.

Begin by reviewing the IEP or 504 plan to decide which accommodations were helpful and which were not. Even if you disagree with the evaluation, give your child a chance to explain what worked and what didn’t from their point of view. This will offer you the opportunity to verify that they understand their learning differences at an age-appropriate level.

While it may be easier to talk about success, it’s critical to discuss fears and feelings of failure as well.

Early on share with this year’s team what motivates and frustrates your child. Don’t assume that people working with them for the first time will be aware of testing reports, IEPs, and other crucial information. Take the time to personally introduce all educators to their unique issues and devise a system that enables consistent communication between school and home.

Problems increase when children with LD can’t see the board, hear what the teacher is saying, or stay alert enough to record a homework assignment. Head off such preventable problems by making sure your child sees the professionals who monitor their wellbeing, from the ophthalmologist to the orthodontist.

Inventory the systems and supplies that help your child succeed. Visit a school supply store to learn what is available to help them organize thoughts as well as things. Purchase equipment that they can operate independently and competently. The most sophisticated graphing calculator won’t help if they don’t know how to navigate it.

Speak to an Assistive Technology (AT) specialist if you think your child might benefit from an AT assessment and recommendations. Find out from the tech specialist about equipment that works best for specific grade-related assignments. Advance preparation can save your child from developing “I would have done better if I only had…” syndrome.

Limit Chaos

Begin the school year on solid ground by establishing boundaries and routines. First-day chaos, if unchecked, can turn into first-term, if not full-year chaos. Cover all variables. Discuss transportation, school and extra-curricular activities, ways to access learning and social-emotional supports, and even how and where your child will eat lunch.

Visit school with your child to alleviate anxiety by exploring the physical facility before classes begin. After discovering the issues that seem to be making your child anxious, find creative, supportive ways to impart reassurance.

Starting At A New School

Even more difficult than returning to school after summer vacation, is beginning a new year in a new school. Whether you move to a different system or your child simply changes levels, make sure to provide the new school with complete and comprehensive information about your child’s assets and deficits. Make sure that all faculty and staff entrusted with their education know what gets in the way of success and what facilitates it.