Prepare Your Child with NLD for Summer

Children with NLD have widely different learning and behavioral profiles, yet they often share a common trait: anxiety over transitions. Indeed, many children with learning disabilities experience anxiety in the face of change. To minimize concerns for children with NLD and other learning challenges you must prepare them for the changes that summer brings long before the lazy days of summer begin.

Assess Your Child

A positive summer for kids challenged by change begins with a thoughtful assessment of what your child embraces and also what he fears. You can help him succeed at summer camp, summer school, travel, or special interest programs by balancing his interests with conditions that make him comfortable.

Begin your preliminary investigation by asking yourself the following questions:

  • What are my child’s strengths, talents, and challenges?
  • What conditions create comfort and what conditions make him anxious?
  • Does he exhibit any behavioral, cognitive or emotional patterns that might affect summer activity selection?
  • What makes my child happy?
  • What makes my child anxious and depressed?
Listen To Your Child

After you’ve done your soul-searching, it’s time to begin a dialogue with your child. Open the discussion by asking:

  • What would you like to do this summer?
  • Is there a special activity or sport you would like to learn about?
  • Are there any school subjects you’d like to dig into deeper?
  • How would you feel about sleeping away from home?

By starting early and involving your child in the plans for his summer, you can address his concerns as they arise. If you keep him informed of your progress, by the time summer activities have been finalized, your child should have the skills and confidence to understand and deal with new and changing situations.

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