Who Should Be On Your Child’s IEP Team?

Federal law specifies the participants that are to be involved in developing an Individual Education Program (IEP) for students with…Read more

Extended Time: Useful or Misused?

Extended time on tests is arguably the most common accommodation given to students with ADHD. But is extended time alone…Read more

Your Child’s Rights: 6 Principles of IDEA

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was enacted by the federal government to ensure that all children with disabilities…Read more

14 Ways to Help a Child with NLD Succeed

Because NLD is a condition with clearly defined assets and deficits, successful interventions can be developed using a child’s strengths…Read more


Abstract reasoning deficit Difficulty with the ability to analyze, organize, and synthesize information—including making inferences. Accommodations Variations in time, format,…Read more