8 Great Gifts for Children with LD and ADHD

With the holidays just around the corner, keep in mind these special gifts appropriate for any child with LD or ADHD—one size fits all.

  1. The Gift of Time. Don’t get so caught up doing for your child that you forfeit being with her. Dedicate time to talking, playing, crying, or just being silly together.
  1. The Gift of Advocacy. Make sure he understands his learning disability and can describe a full range of assets and deficits to teachers and administrators. Update him as needed.
  1. The Gift of Safety. Some children with LD or ADHD feel threatened by school, teachers, peers, bullies or things they can’t describe. Help her feel protected. If you can’t accomplish that alone, seek professional help.
  1. The Gift of Respect. Don’t infantilize him. Praise what he does well, and help him improve the rest. Listen to what he says and respect his insights.
  1. The Gift of Relaxation. It is hard work compensating for learning differences. Make sure he has an outlet for R & R, whether it is intellectual, athletic or both.
  1. The Gift of Independence. Help her know she can perform the basic activities of daily living without you when she’s in a less supervised environment.
  1. The Gift of Self-Esteem. While you see with pride what he can do, he probably is focusing on what he can’t do. You can never give too much deserved praise to children with learning differences.
  1. The Gift of Love. This should go without saying. That’s just the problem—too often it does. Children with LD and ADHD often wonder how parents could love anyone with such obvious flaws. Tell them. Show them. Love them. You’ll be delighted when this gift is returned in full.