Shining a Light on Kids with LD

This week Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities launches the Spotlight Campaign—our new initiative to shine a light on kids who are not letting their learning challenges stand in the way of reaching for the stars. This week, for example, you’ll meet Sydney Goodman, who used to think she wanted to be like everyone else–but now focuses on what she wants to accomplish with her strengths in the arts.

In the weeks and months to come you’ll find other profiles highlighting the achievements, aspirations, experiences, and lessons learned from kids in the LD community. Through these spotlights we hope to show people of all ages that LD does not have to define you or limit you. Often, you’ll see it motivates kids to reach higher, go farther, and achieve more.

Get Involved

These are your children’s stories. Please share them with our Smart Kids community by accessing

There’s a young person out there feeling sad, alone, and discouraged. Let’s use these stories to inspire a movement—to show that having learning challenges or ADHD doesn’t mean giving up on your dreams.