The IEP: A Primer for Parents New to the Process

As a parent of a child with LD or ADHD, it is your responsibility to partner with your child’s school…Read more

Ready. Set. Meet! It’s IEP Time

Although an IEP meeting can take place anytime during the year, schools traditionally set aside several weeks in Spring to…Read more

Are You Ready for Your IEP Meeting?

With Spring comes that annual rite of passage, the IEP meeting—the yearly gathering of the school team to review your…Read more

Examples of Accommodations & Modifications

Program accommodations and modifications are available to children who receive services under IDEA or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.…Read more

IEP Planning: Accommodations & Modifications

The difference between success and failure for students with LD and ADHD often comes down to how effectively the curriculum…Read more